Thursday, December 4, 2014

Putting Our Knowledge to Work!

This is Mrs. Meck's favorite time of the year. This is when many of us reach our aha moment. The things we were once struggling with are starting to make sense. We now believe her when she tells us  we're readers and writers!
 Practicing reading skills on the iPad!
 Using picture clues to create CVC words. 
 We love practicing out sight words!
We all get excited to watch our friends pass levels of Reading Eggs.
 Writing center is our new favorite! 

We all get so excited when it is writing time. We show off all of our skills we have learned throughout the year. Don't forget a capital letter at the beginning, lowercase throughout, and most importantly punctuation at the end!

 If we don't know how to spell a word we use our surroundings to help us.

We are also becoming readers each and every day! We use our slinky to help us stretch out our words as we read. 

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