Saturday, August 24, 2013

Friday Friendship Salad!!!

Yay, we finished our first week of school!!! We had a lot of fun talking about how to be a good friend on Friday! Our friends shared qualities of a good friend and then we also discussed qualities of a bad friend. We talked about how a fruit salad is like a classroom, all separated we are good but once we work together we are complete! Every student came up and dumped a bag of fruit into the bowl representing themselves. Then I brought out a rotten banana and asked the students how they would feel if I added the rotten banana to the fruit salad we were about to eat? They all screamed, "NOOO"! This brought up a discussion about how if there's one rotten banana in fruit salad it would be ruined.  Just like if there was one friend that made bad choices or didn't work together our class wouldn't work! Our goal is to never be a rotten banana!

After all the discussion we finally got to sit down and eat some fruit salad! We all loved it!

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