Monday, March 17, 2014

Great Start to St. Patricks Theme Week/ Rainbows

We went all in today with learning, and we accomplished a whole lot! I also heard my favorite words, "This was the best day ever!" I love hearing them say that because it means they are having fun, learning something new and often have no idea that both are happening! I can't wait for them to see what we have in store for the rest of the week!

Here is a peak into what we did today!

In Reading we read the story There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover! We all love to read the different old lady book. The students love figuring out what she is going to swallow and what it will turn into at the end of the story! We worked on comprehension and had to recall what color each object she swallowed was.

In Writing we learned about the different colors in a rainbow. The students had to pick their favorite color and write two different things that are that color.

In Math we played a game with the different objects from There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover! The students worked in groups and had to graph each object they picked and then answer questions after about their graphs.

I think their favorite part of today was Science when they were making a rainbow of pasta. All of kindergarten went out side and created a science experiment with dried pasta, rubbing alcohol, food coloring and a whole lot of shaking. They were able to pick their color and watch the chemical reaction dye their pasta. (Sorry for the messy clothes but I promise they had a lot of fun!) Each student will get a bag full of different colored and shaped pasta. We will use this as a math manipulative throughout the year and then students will be able to take it home to help them continue to work on math as it gets increasingly more difficult!

I was so impress with all of the Leprechaun Traps. The students were able to present their traps and explain to their friends how they were going to be able to trap the Leprechaun. Here are a few to share!

Happy Monday Y'all!
Mrs. Meck

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