My Favorite part of apple week was.....
snacks- Justin and Axel
cooking applesauce- Saanvi S
apple patterns- Jaden and Logan R
tasting apples- Thienn
reading apple books- Bella
the whole week- Logan P
erupting apple- Alan
apples- Aws
Investigating how many crayons are equal to one apple!
Then we decided to try out play-dough!
We predicted wither apples would float or sink.
It floated!!
Many of us tried to push it down to see if it would sink.
We also had an apple experiment where we predicted what would happen when we put baking soda, cinnamon, and vinegar inside an apple. Some guesses were: bubble, explode, nothing, disappear, and erupt.
Many of us had a chance to pour the vinegar into the apple. There were lots a laughs and screaming each time! Sorry first grade!
Whole Brain Learning in Progress. We were teaching our partner about the life cycle of an apple.
To finish off the week we talked about solids and liquids and made applesauce.
Favorite part of the week for many was our apple party! We tried all sorts of new foods all with apples.
We took turns rolling dice to fill in the basket of apples. Teamwork is great!
Some of the work we created!