Monday, September 3, 2012

September 4-7

Thank you all the parents that came out for Meet the Teacher Night, it was very nice talking with all of you!

Just a reminder homework starts this week! Please look at the homework tab to be aware of the expectations. Students are to work on the packet in their folder day by day, read or be read to, and work on sight words or letters depending on their level. The sight word list or alphabet will be sent out on Tuesday.

We will also have an exciting monthly family homework project coming home this week!

I want to give a big thank you to all the parents who are remembering to bring snack on their scheduled day. The students are enjoying all of the snacks! For those that have snack coming up, please remember to bring enough for 27 students.

Curriculum officially starts this week please look under the tab, "What are we learning" to view the weekly topics. I suggest looking at this page each week to receive a weekly update on what is being taught in class.

Thanks for all of your support and patience as we get this school year in full gear.

Mrs. Meck

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