We also discussed how penguins stay warm. Then we went even deeper and explained how cold water feels to us and how it feels to the penguin show the blubber keeps them nice and warm.
We had fun doing our Penguin dance!
We practiced our number skills with a Roll and Draw a penguin activity. We continued to work on addition using penguins and goldfish! We also had fun comparing ourselves to life size penguins. We sorted ourselves by taller, same size, or shorter than the Emperor penguin, which is the tallest penguin. Many of them thought it was pretty funny that they were taller than all of the adult penguins.
I think the most spontanious part of our week was after we read the book Penguin Cha-Cha the students asked if they could do the Cha-Cha. So as I hope any kindergarten class would do, we broke out into the Cha-Cha! Everyone grabbed a partner and danced! It was a lot of fun and I think they really enjoyed it. Check out this video!