Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkin Week

We learned all about pumpkins this past week and the kids loved it! We learned about the life cycle, we wrote the steps to carving a pumpkin, we read stories, sang songs, used descriptive words to describe the pumpkin, we investigated a pumpkin and their favorite of all was the pumpkin patch. Here are some pictures of the week! Hope you enjoy!
 Feeding the goats .
 Searching for the perfect pumpkin.
 Hayride around the farm!
 On the pumpkin hunt.
 Playing on the spider haystack.
 Looking at the pumpkin vines.
 I found the perfect one!
 Maze and pumpkin haystack.
 Five little pumpkins project
 Creating the five little pumpkin project. All they got was construction paper they had to make it all on their own!
 Working on how to carve a pumpkin writing.
 Thinking real hard on that perfect descriptive word.
Our high school friend came to help with out writing!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bully and Drug Free Week!

Next Week is Red Ribbon Week!

Monday- Sock it to drugs
Wear your silliest socks with your uniform.

Tuesday: Team up Against Bullies
Wear your favorite team shirt with your uniform.

Wednesday: THIS IS OUR FIELD TRIP STUDENTS MUST BE IN UNIFORM THIS DAY. We suggest jeans and their read uniform shirt. NO Spirt shirts please.

Thursday: Stomp out Drugs
Wear mismatched shoes with your uniform

Friday: Go Tigers Day!
Wear your Harmony Spirit gear and jeans.

Friday, October 12, 2012

What we have been up to the past few weeks!

 Apple Day!
 Thanks Mom's and Dad's for all the yummy apple treats!
 Yum, this apple food is good!
 Apple Craft
 My favorite colored apple was yellow!
 Practicing reading with our phonics phones.
We are become great readers!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Field Trip/ Spirt Shirts

K-2 Teachers would like for ALL students to have this shirt. We are asking for this to happen for safety reasons. There are multiple Harmony Schools in the DFW area and we all have the same uniform. We sometimes go to the same place on a field trip and it can be very confusion who is with who. If we all have the same bright green shirts parents and students will easily locate our group.

The shirts are six dollars and will be used for multiple years of field trips! This will not be a highly recommended purchase.

A form was sent home in Wednesday Mail about this.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Field Trip Permission Slips ONE WEEK

Just a reminder you have one week to return the permission slips for both the Fire Station and the Pumpkin Patch. If they are not turned in by October 17th, your child will not be attending the field trip. There are NO EXCEPTIONS. I have multiple students that do not have either permission slip turned in. I would hate for students to not be able to attend a field trip because you just forgot or you lost the form. If you need a new permission slip please email me at and I will send you a new one.

Also, for the pumpkin patch it is cash only and exact change.

Thank you and have a great week!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October Reminders!!!

Hello Parents,

Can you believe we have finished our first six weeks of kindergarten. I don't know about you but it sure went fast. I can already so changes in so many of the students. I love seeing the light bulbs click on in their head when they get a new concept.

I appreciate all the parent involvement this year. It makes for a successful year for everyone.

Just a few reminders...

If your child arrives after 8:00 am, they are to be dropped off in the front. They will receive a tardy pass and will be walked to class. Please do not let your child out of the car with out a teacher outside. This is for the safety of our students. Also, please know that 5 tardies does equal an absence. Please drop your child off on time!


There are two file buckets in our classroom. Each student has a folder with their name on it. It is your child's responsibility to empty their folder of notes and turn it into their file. I remind them each morning to do so. If you put something in your child's folder for me please let your child know that they need to turn it in. Also, this process would be a lot easier if you emptied out the folder of student work each night so there was only the papers they needed to turn in, in their folder.

Don't forget permission slips for the pumpkin patch and the fire station are due October 17th. With out a permission slip your child will not be able to attend. If you are able to come to the Pumpkin Patch October 24th we would all appreciate it. We can't go on the field trip with out enough parent volunteers!

Thank you for all your help and I look forward to the year ahead of us!
Mrs. Meck

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October Monthly Homework

October Monthly Homework is due this Friday October 5th!

A few examples of our pumpkins hiding from the farmer!

Dear Parents,

Each month your child will be given a family homework assignment. The children then share their projects orally. This helps to develop skills for speaking, listening, and questioning. The finished projects make wonderful bulletin board displays and the children are always so proud to show them off!

 This month students are to decorate a pumpkin. Our pumpkins are afraid of being picked from the field. It is your job to disguise it so that the farmer will not know that it is a pumpkin. Please be creative when decorating your pumpkin. Some students turned their pumpkin into a soccer ball, chicken, scarecrow, ect.