Friday, December 21, 2012

You better watch out, You better not cry, You better not shout, I'm telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to Harmony!

Santa Suprised us and came to school today! We were all so suprised and excited to spend sometime with him. Here is a look at our time with Santa.

 Ms. Farrer and myself were trying to distract us and all of a sudden we hear, "HO, HO, HO!"
All of  them jumped, turned around and screamed, "SANTA!"
 The looks on their faces were priceless!
Santa had someone come up to prove he was the real thing!
 Santa even showed them pictures of the elves on his iPhone. "Santa has an iPhone", one of them shouted.

 Santa even read kindergarten a story!



Wednesday, December 19, 2012

All Aboard for the Polar Express

 We all enjoyed Polar Express Day! We read the story Polar Express in the morning. We then used our writing skills  and wrote about what we would ask Santa for if he gave us the first gift of Christmas. We talked about the characters, setting, problem, and solution of the story. We also put the vocabulary in ABC order as a group. We drank hot coco, ate cookies, and watched the movie! Tomorrow we are going to talk about what we smelt, felt, saw, heard, and tasted while on the Polar Express. Here is a look at some of our photos.
Sit back relax and enjoy the ride!

 Ticket in hand and enjoying the show

 Pajamas, pillows, blankets, best day of school ever!
 Comfy cozy

 Sharing is Caring We all shared our blankets and pillows and watched the movie

 The best class ever! They wanted a group photo hugging each other!
 I love how sweet they all are to each other and what a little "family" we have become
 Mrs. Meck let us have a day with no shoes!
 Smell my feet!

 Footy Pajamas are the Best!
 Yum, hot coco!
 Mrs. Meck was silly and let us have whip cream in our hands
Sip slowly its hot!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

First Stop Israel, Second Stop Africa!

We have been traveling all over the place and enjoying every minute of it. Here is a look into where we have been and what we were doing!
 playing with our dreidels

 We went to Africa to learn about Kwanzaa Kinara

 Working together  to creat our projects





Monday, December 10, 2012

We landed in Israel!

We started our Christmas Around the world today! We packed or suitcases and had passport and ticket in hand for our plane trip over to Israel!

We got on the plane and watched a short video about the traditions and customs of Hanukkah. We learned how they celebrate a holiday called Hanukkah for eight days and light a candle on their menorah each day. They like to eat latkes all differnt ways! Some people eat then plain, others eat them with sour cream and some even eat them with applesauce. We also learned about a toy they have called a dreidel. The best part is we get our very own dreidel to play with tomorrow and take home in our suitcase! (Shhh they don't know yet!) Today the students created their very own menorah with eight lit candles. Here is a little sneak peak to our trip!

 Our suitcases for the next two weeks!
 We even have our passports to take with us!
 How cool, they have our pictures and everything!
 Fast at work creating our menorahs!

The finished project!
Stay tuned to our blog to see where we travel to next!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

IMPORTANT! Morning Drop off

Parents, there have been SO MANY issues with tardy students. For the safety of your child, please do let your child out of the car if there is not an adult to let them out. We begin class at 8:00 which means that we are no longer outside to be responsible eyes of your child. You also are to never come up on our ramp to drop your child off or watch them walk up. They are to go to the front office and one of those kind ladies will mark them tardy and bring them to class.

I understand that traffic might be crazy around 8:00 but you are able to drop your students off between 7:30 and 8:00. There is not a lot of traffic at 7:30 so that might be a better option for you.
Please note that after so many tardies it equals an absence. After so many absences you are reported for truancy.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Calling all Parents!!

We need help for our field trip!

 We only have two parents that have agreed to volunteer for the field trip. It will be canceled if we do not get more volunteers. I can not take 26 students to a museum with my self and two other adults. I hope to get a few more volunteers by tomorrow so that my class doesn't have to be the only class not going.  It is only $10 for a parent to go on this field trip and think of all the great memories you will have to share with your child!

Thank you for your support and help with this matter!

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Techiest Kindergarten Class Around!

We are super luck and received 30 iPads for Kindergarten through Second grade! We get 5 per classroom Monday through Thursday to use during centers and throughout the day. On Fridays we share them for whole class iPad time! 

The students are learning to be responsible for a piece of equipment. They are able turn the iPad on and off on their own, as well as pick their own applications and start it up!

I am so proud of how techno savvy my class is!

Check them out in action!